When is the best age to start taking your baby to the dentist?

Prevention and early treatment

Did you know that even before the child starts his first tooth to grow, there are a number of ways to take care of your child? Mouth Care Wash and clean the harmful bacteria your child every day gums with a damp cloth. If your child is not breastfeeding, remember "bottle mouth", a condition that eats the teeth of their primary child and often recognized by discoloration.

Fast daily routine of feeding bottle and the amount of time a child spends on the bottle to prevent the bottle fell. Mouth and / or damage to the gums and teeth
Beware of sugary juice and milk - many sweeteners are bad for their development in the mouth and can also cause tooth decay

Besides an appointment for your child's first visit to the dentist, to assist in the development of character and life, health as soon as possible, and to brush twice a day, floss and chew food slowly.

What to expect on your first visit

It is important that your child will develop. Experienced doctors and dentists one of the easiest ways to reduce stress first visit to your child "play dentist" at home ways.
Count your teeth with your child and get your bill too. Make it fun and exciting. Get comfortable and familiar with medical examinations. All games will help you deal with the fear.

Your child Seats and exercises in a dental practice can be fun or scary for your child, keep a cool head when you bring your child for the primary moment. Be excited in your approach.
During his first visit, it is best not to take the other children. Test or stress factors which may lead to reduction.

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